Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Vet Visit

Sweet Pea had her first vet visit yesterday and it went quite well. She weighed in at 91.8 pounds, so probably the Humane Society weighed her prior to her surgery. Our first weight loss goal is 10 pounds and she is on a mixture of wet and dry prescription weight control food. She ate the wet food with enthusiasm this morning, so I think she was fed wet food in her old home. At least she's eating! She also peed and pooped! Hooray! (Geesh, it's like talking about a newborn!)

We have her on three walks a day: a morning walk to the dog park to play with other dogs (she's super friendly to everyone and seems to enjoy the girl dogs), an after-lunch walk to the creek path (she LOVES water - I'l have to take a video of her enthusiasm) and an evening walk around the neighborhood.

Today she actually peed on both her first and second walk! This is the first time she's peed more than once a day, so we were very relieved. We used to think she was a chewer but it turns out she's just a picker-upper! If anything is left on the floor, on the stairs, or on a low chair she'll pick it up and take it to her "den" behind the couch. She is so sweet!

Tonight we have our Orientation for Obedience School. We can't treat her til she loses some weight, so we are curious to hear if we should wait to start school or not.

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