Monday, September 10, 2012

3.4 pounds down!

Hooray hooray! From 91.8 two weeks ago to a slender 88.4 today, Sweet Pea is losing weight! She is down to 1 cup of dry food in the am and pm, and about a quarter cup total of teeny treats for training. We are so excited for her!

The vet will return in a month to check her progress, but at almost 2 pounds of weight loss a week, she's doing great. Perhaps her metabolism just needed to be kick-started? I can't believe that she is getting so little food - she is now eating what Ole, at 49 pounds, ate most of his life. And he didn't eat diet dog food! Poor dog. But she's happy and seems fine with it all.

water loving dog
She trots more on her walks now and has taken to swimming around the water holes we frequent mid-day. She's still a chewer; she chewed through her collar last night and has gotten into the mitten bin, so we are trying to be extra careful about leaving things around that she can get into.

She still has her morning crazies. Every morning after the alarm goes off she starts whimpering and will do anything to get us out of bed! She even chases a ball in the morning. She is so funny. I hope that when she is down to a healthy weight she will have that happy energy throughout the day.

We need to schedule another Basic Manners class for next weekend although she is doing really well at "Target" and responding to her name. We even have her off leash on the trails now because she doesn't stray very far from us and will come back to us when we call her name. Bonus!

She will chase squirrels, we discovered, so we may discontinue the Gentle Leader, which can give her some serious whiplash if she were ever to bolt off unexpectedly. She doesn't pull on a regular throat leash at all (Well, if I'm around...)

She still needs to know where I am at all times. Paul is a close second, but I'm #1. I wonder why this is, as I still think of myself as a cat person. Oh well. She's a sweet sweet dog and we're so glad she's ours!

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